Celebrating International Women's Day with Tulynia's Boutique Retreat,
at Elma Arts Complex Luxury Hotel in Zicron Yaacov, Israel , March 2019
"Dear Tuly
I hope you strongly feel how you projected your mental strength on to us and created a special atmosphere and space for both spirit and soul. For a while, we put aside our day to day activities, our bodies moved in the environment and we took time to recharge ourselves with good energy. Thank you for not giving me up on me on one hand, and on the other hand giving me space, patience and love, allowing me to choose to recharge myself - to take time out. You have no idea how much happiness the retreat gave me!!"
"The experience was amazing!! Every single moment. The venue, the atmosphere, the weather, the girls, the music, freedom and such wonderful energy – all, as many of the girls said, due to Tuly!!"